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What to look for when renting boats?

Rent a motor ship, yacht, boat – an expensive service and obviously not for every day. Therefore, deciding to rent a vessel, it is necessary to consider several recommendations.
1. How many people can comfortably fit on a ship.
2. What type of yacht do you prefer: sailing, motor.
3. Does the ship have a bathroom, a cabin, a place for cooking, running water.
4. Are there picnic attributes attached to the rental: barbecue, skewers, firewood, folding furniture and so on.
5. Is there musical accompaniment on the yacht.
6. List of additional services.
The more you pat at the beginning of the lease, the more efficient, more fun, more comfortable the boat trip will be. The manager of the company that provides the service must be informed of the reason for renting a yacht. Let’s say you have a romantic evening, an employee of the yacht club will help you organize everything quickly and beautifully, no need to think about where to get a table, or when to order sushi, pizza. Instead, you will do everything, you just have to voice your wishes. The same applies to the route, if you hire a ship to show a foreign friend the city, the route will be different from just taking a breeze and having a picnic on one of Kiev’s lakes.

(Укр) AZIMUT 46

(Укр) Вартість оренди: 11200 грн/год (400 у.о.) Кількість місць: до 12 осіб
