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What determines the cost of the event on the boat?

Lyuboye meropriyatiye, ne vazhno, gde i kogda organizovannoye, trebuyet opredelennykh raskhodov. Tozhe kasayetsya i prazdnika na korable. V pervuyu ochered’ neobkhodimo utochnit’ u podryadchika, chto vkhodit v bazovuyu stoimost’ uslugi Arenda teplokhoda Kiyev, a za chto neobkhodimo doplachivat’. Yesli ustraivat’ na korable prazdnik, to bud’te gotovy k tomu, chto za oformleniya, banketnoye menyu, furshet, muzykal’noye soprovozhdeniya pridetsya doplachivat’ otdel’no ot samoy broni. Krome togo, bol’shinstvo sudokhodnykh kompanii za otdel’nuyu platu mogut organizovat’ dosug gostyam: – vysadka na odnom iz beregov ozera dlya barbekyu, igry v peyntbol; – uslugi fotografov, muzykantov, vedushchikh, gidov, ekskursovodov; – puteshestviye po unikal’nomu marshrutu; – arenda gidrotsiklov, skorostnoye kataniye na katere; – dostup k kayutam, arenda kambuza. V stoimost’ dopolnitel’nykh uslug mozhno dobavit’ sotni raznykh pozitsii, odnako luchshe uznat’ o nikh na ofitsial’nom sayte ili v menedzhera sudokhodnoy kompanii. Glavnoye ne byt’ optimistichno nastroyennym, ved’ zatraty budut i nemalyye. Mnogiye nadeyutsya, chto zatraty okupyatsya, osobenno na svad’bakh, odnako, statistika govorit obratnoye.
Any event, no matter where and when organized, requires certain expenses. The same applies to the holiday on the ship. First of all, it is necessary to check with the contractor what is included in the base cost of the Kiev ship rental service, and for which it is necessary to pay extra.
If you arrange a holiday on the ship, then be prepared for the fact that for the design, banquet menu, buffet, musical accompaniment will have to pay separately from the reservation itself. In addition, most shipping companies can organize leisure activities for guests for a fee:
– landing on one of the shores of the lake for barbecue, paintball;
– services of photographers, musicians, presenters, guides, guides;
– travel along a unique route;
– rental of jet skis, speedboating;
– access to cabins, galley rental.
Hundreds of different positions can be added to the cost of additional services, but it is better to learn about them on the official website or in the manager of a shipping company.
The main thing is not to be optimistic, because the costs will be considerable. Many hope that the costs will pay off, especially at weddings, however, statistics say the opposite.

(Укр) AZIMUT 46

(Укр) Вартість оренди: 11200 грн/год (400 у.о.) Кількість місць: до 12 осіб
